>Care Bears Stare

This week, Encore on Demand on Cablevision is showing The Care Bears Movie from 1985. Always a fan of old-school kids stuff, my wife M put it on for Lilian the other day. She loved it. Then last night, I had a few chores to do around the house (including changing the linens on the bed), so I put Lilian in her high chair and put the movie on for her again. Nowadays, Lilian isn’t that big of a fan of her high chair anymore. But as soon as the music started for Care Bears, she was completely absorbed. For some reason, this movie has a hypnotic effect on her. It’s weird, cute, but a little disconcerting too! I know those 80’s animators were a lot wackier than they are nowadays. And Big-Fan-of-Conspiracy-Theories-Mommy (me) is convinced that they are actually hypnotizing my child or sending her subliminal messages. Or maybe the Care Bears are just cute. I don’t know. I know I certainly had one as a child (Cheer Bear, the pink one with the rainbow on the belly)… did you? Which one? And when they were re-released, M bought me one in 2003 as a gift (which has now been passed on to Lilian). But Lilian’s concentration on this movie is phenomenal. She’ll sit for over an hour without moving, watching from beginning to end.

To be honest, 80’s cartoons have almost no educational value, unlike Dora, Little Einsteins, etc. now that Lilian watches. But for pure entertainment value, nostalgia, and cultural awareness, a little Care Bears never hurt anyone! I’m always secretly glad when she likes something that one of her two mommies likes or liked as a kid!

Posted on July 15, 2010, in care bears, conspiracy theories, lilian, tv. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. >Love it! Care Bears are amazing! I bet she'd love Rainbow Brite and My Little Pony too. Does Lily know about The Smurfs yet?

  2. >What's more bizarre about it, is she forces herself to stay away until the very end. Then once the credits roll she's out like a light…

  3. >is that the movie that has a scary tree? i remember watching that when i was little and getting totally freaked out by that tree, and i never watched it again.

  4. >Illyana – First, I love your name. Second, yes, the first Care Bears movie is the one with the scary tree, then they all do a Care Bears stare on the side of a pit in a cave.

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